YouTube Video Ads Academy The Definitive YouTube Ad Course

YouTube Video Ads Academy | The Definitive YouTube Ad Course


Learn how to run YouTube Video Ads.

Video content is powerful.

YouTube alone has over 2 billion users — and each day those users watch a billion hours of video, generating billions of views.

That’s a lot of ‘billions.’

What’s more, YouTube on mobile alone reaches more 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the US. And the amount of TIME the average user spends on YouTube and in front of YouTube Ads is insane! It’s the perfect target audience for nearly any product or service.

Not only that, but you can reach any niche – no matter how obscure – on YouTube.

Google owns YouTube, and the Google Ads platform is how you run YouTube Ads.

People watch YouTube Ads. Video Ads work better than any other platform, including Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Microsoft Ads, etc. (I know because I run ads on all those platforms and more!)

So it’s no wonder that video marketing is on the rise.

Why would you want to run YouTube Ads?

Because your audience – no matter what they are passionate about is on YouTube!

And not only that, but because so many marketers are scared to lazy about creating a video ad… or they don’t know how to create an effective one… there is so much less competition on YouTube compared to any of the major ad platforms like Facebook and Instagram or Twitter!

In my experience, they are the cheapest AND the most targeted – especially with the ninja targeting tricks I teach you in this Google Video Ads course!

YouTube Video Ads work!

This course will turn you into a master of video ads – from creating ads, to targeting correctly, to scaling up your ads. It’s the complete video ads course you need!

  • Learn the best types of YouTube Ads/Google Video Ads to run
  • How to target your direct competitors for pennies per click
  • Learn the perfect Ad formula for YouTube Ads the converts
  • When to use the different types of YouTube Ads
  • How to scale up your YouTube Ads
  • How to measure and track the results of your YouTube Ads
  • How to use YouTube Ads to grow your own YouTube Channel
  • And more

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