Winter CMS with Laravel

Winter CMS with Laravel

If you’re looking for a way to move a static website onto a content management system (CMS), Winter—the free, open-source CMS based on the Laravel PHP framework—is one of the best available tools that you can use to achieve your goal. In this course, full-stack developer Ana Lisboa covers the essential aspects of moving a static website to Winter CMS.

Get an overview of how Winter works, including local installation and admin panel sections and features. Follow along with Ana as she moves a sample static website onto Winter using concepts such as layouts, pages, partials, and components, to name just a few. Learn how to make your content easy for admins to edit, and how to install and configure common plugins such as forms, analytics, and cache clearing. Upon completing this course, you’ll also have a better idea about how to prepare Winter for production launch. Along the way, try out your new skills in the practice challenges at the end of each section.

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