AWS 2022

Up & Running with Containers in AWS

Containerisation and AWS Cloud computing are top technologies that are in high demand, and only increasing in popularity and wide spread adoption by companies. This course will help position you to be well versed in building and deploying Docker containers to the AWS environment.

Docker from the Ground Up

Are you new to the concept of containerisation? Not to worry. In this course, you’ll learn what containers are, the problems they solve and how the differ from Virtual Machines. You will also learn how to build Docker images and push them to repositories like ECR and Docker Hub. In addition, you’ll learn how to work with the Docker CLI and run containers on your local machine.

Create AWS Infrastructure using AWS CLI, Terraform and the AWS Console

There are multiple ways to build out resources in the AWS environment. In this course you’ll learn how to create ECR repositories, ECS and EKS clusters using the AWS CLI and the Console. Why stop there, IaC (Infrastructure as Code) tools like Terraform are being used more and more by DevOps engineers. This course will cover creation both basic setups and more complex architectures for running Docker containers.

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