Ultimate 2021 Digital Circuits and Logic Design course

Ultimate 2021 Digital Circuits and Logic Design course


  • ” Power Tech Academy ” introduces a special course for ( Digital Circuits and Logic Design )

    This course is designed to teach students how to design a digital logic circuit to perform a specific desired function. Taking this course will give students a much better understanding of how the internals of a computer work. so our course aims to teach students the fundamentals of digital logic design.  Starting from learning the basic concepts of the different base number systems
    ( Binary – Decimal – Hexadecimal ) and their Conversions to basic logic elements and deriving logical expressions to further optimize a circuit diagram. Also we use software for simulation and implementation of our Logic circuits which already we made Designs for them like ” Logisim & Multisim “.
    • This course is structured in such a way that each section is dedicated to a specific topic in regards to digital electronics and Logic Design. The lectures contained in each section describe in detail the different tools and techniques used to design digital logic circuits.
    • There are assignments and Exercises throughout this course that students can use to put the theory taught to practical use. There are also two sections for using software of simulation ” Logisim & Multisim “, so you can get the most benefit from this course.

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