UiPath Tutorial to become a RPA Developer

UiPath Tutorial to become a RPA Developer

This course you will understand well these topics :

1- How to install needed packages – Database Activity, PDF Activity, Credentials Activity, Mail Activity, Word Activities, Web Activities.

2- Variable Types – Most used reference type and value type variables with operations

3- String Operations – Trim, Split, Replace, Contains , Equals, To Lower, To Upper.

4- Regular Expressions – Most useful regular expressions in UiPath.

5- If and Switch Case Control

6- Sequences – Flowchart – State Machines – Explanation and Practise

7- Loops – Do While, While , For each with List – Array List – Dictionary

8- Selectors – Deep dive selectors – Dynamic Selectors – Partial Selectors.

9-Windows and Browser activities – Web and desktop activities with detailed explanation

10- DataTable – Excel Activity – Deep dive datatable operations

11- File operations – Create Folder, Create File, Move , Copy, Delete, Append Line, Write Text, Read Text.

12-Word Activities – Insert Datatable, replace text, Insert Picture, Read Text.

13-Read PDF – Read PDF Text and split it to get meaningful values and Join Pdf’s.

14- Database Activities -Create Table in SQL Server Management Studio and Connection – Select- Delete – Update – Delete – Disconnect operations

15-Credentials Activity – Get , Delete, Add Credentials.

16- Mail activities- Get and Send mail messages , Save attachment.

17- Exception Handling – Manage runtime , logic, syntax errors and handle most faced exception types.

18 -Debugging – Most used Debugging activities such as break point, restart, Step in , Logs.

19-Web Services HTTP Request -Introduction – Create JSON Server to do Crud operations GET-POST-PUT-DELETE , Deserialize string to JsonArray and learn Status Code meaning

20- Project – Project desing , manage transactions and exceptions, how to test project , work with states and conditions, send report to process owner.

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