The Internet of things - Complete Beginners course

The Internet of things – Complete Beginners course


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This course is fully practical oriented.

It covers all basic IOT platforms and all important protocols like MQTT, IFTTT, SMTP and etc.

Every sections has quiz. Questions are related to content of that particular section

Also some sections has projects that helps to improve skills.

This course is based on NODEMCU module.

Apparatus I used

I have used some basic electronics components in this course, like LED, Push button, LM35, Vibration sensor, Gas sensor, Sound sensor and etc.

If you don’t have these components, don’t worry. I will demonstrate everything.

What will you learn section by section

On section 1 we will discuss on introduction to NODEMCU and how to use Arduino ide for this course.

On second section I elaborated the basic programming experiments with NODEMCU.

on third, I will teach more about ADC and PWM of NODEMCU with experiments.

Next section covers wifi related actions like acces point, wifi scan and connection with board.

On fifth section I will teach you how to interface Blynk IOT platform to your project with some experiments and one project.

Next sixth section covers about Thingspeak IOT platform with some experiments and one project.

On seventh section I elaborated the important protocols in IOT.

On eighth section I will tech you to the IFTTT platform to add your projects. In this section I taught 2 advanced experiments, you can learn easily.

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