The Complete Angular & NestJS Course

The Complete Angular & NestJS Course


Welcome to The Complete Angular & NestJS Course – the perfect course for beginners, or anyone looking to brush up on their Angluar/NestJS skills! 

  • Angular was created by Google and is used by Microsoft, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, PayPal, and more!
  • NestJS is an Angular-inspired NodeJS framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
  • The average Angular Developer salary in the US is $112,292 per year(!)

By the end of this course you’ll have built a stand-alone admin app and an online authentication web app from scratch!

Master the skills, tips and tricks you need to create your own projects using Angular and NestJS, and give your coding career a kickstart at the same time!

Students start with the basics, before moving on to the two big practical projects…

Login/Password web app, with:

  • Sign in form
  • User registration form
  • Forgot password function (with email)
  • Password reset form

Stand-alone admin app, with:

  • Admin dashboard
  • Daily sales chart
  • Ability to create, update and delete users
  • Ability to assign levels of user access
  • List products (with image, price and description)
  • Animate user orders
  • Deploy the app to Google Cloud

Created especially for Codestars students, The Complete Angular & NestJS Course combines two of Antonio Papa’s original short courses (Angular and NestJS: A Practical Guide with Docker, and Angular and NestJS Authentication: Forgot and Reset Password) with 1.5 hours of BRAND NEW material!

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