Svelte Js From Basics To Advance

Svelte Js From Basics To Advance


Svelte makes learning JavaScript Frameworks fun.

If you know how to code in JavaScript you can already write a simple Svelte app. Take those skills and level up into the most loved tool for developers.

What will you learn?

  • How to build a simple web application using Svelte
  • What is a JavaScript framework
  • Why use a JavaScript framework
  • JavaScript framework fundamentals like conditional rendering, template looping, state management, routing, etc.
  • How to prototype quickly with TailwindCSS and DaisyUI
  • The confidence and knowledge to use Svelte as well as learn any other JavaScript framework

Svelte is the latest and greatest front-end tool for web developers. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and be ready for where the industry is going, learn Svelte now!

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