Spring Security 5.x, Spring Boot 2 and KeyCloak 18 and 19

Spring Security 5.x, Spring Boot 2 and KeyCloak 18 and 19


This Course will provide a solid foundation on the following Topics:

· Spring Boot 2.6.x and above

· Aspect Oriented Programming

· Spring Security 5 Internal Workflows, Spring Security Architecture, Password Hashing, Storage and Matching, User Registration and Login

· JPA Internals

· KeyCloak 18 and KeyCloak 19 Authorization Server

· OAuth2 Roles, Authorization Code and Client Credentials Grant Types

· Architecture Diagrams to describe each OAuth2 Flows

· KeyCloak Remote User Provider to perform External API/Database Authentication

· Spring Profiles to Run Both KeyCloak 18 and 19 together

· Explains Spring Security, Microservices, Spring Cloud Concepts using Daily Life Examples

· Provides 6 fully developed Microservices with an architecture diagram

· Spring Cloud API Gateway with powerful custom Request and Response Filter

· Shows the concept of Co-Relation Id

· Shows One Microservice calling another which is a very popular Real Life Use Case using Spring Security OAuth2 Client and Resource Server Dependencies.

There is total 9 Sections with comprehensive theory explained to provide a background for Architects to be able to build new Applications based on Spring Security 5, Spring Boot, KeyCloak Authorization Server. This is not a Hello World Course that shows Spring Security and KeyCloak with simple but non-real Microservices. It has real Model classes, JPA, persists data in MySQL database.

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