Welcome to our Splunkable Splunk Fundamentals 1 course taught by our Principle Instructor, Hailie Shaw. Hailie will cover the basics of the Splunk software User Interface and set up with practice data to work with in future labs/lectures.
The topics covered include:
1. Introduction Lecture
2. MacOS Installation
3. AWS Installation
4. Getting Data In Lecture
5. Splunk User Interface (UI) Lecture
6. Basic Navigation Lecture
7. Basic Searching Lecture
8. Basic Searching Demo
9. Searching with Time Lecture
10. Leveraging the Time Picker Demo
11. Commands Lecture
12. Using Fields Lecture
13. Transforming Commands
14. Transforming Demo
15. Creating Reports and Dashboards Lecture
16. Reports and Dashboards Demo
17. Common Information Model (CIM) Lecture
18. Lookups Lecture
19. Lookups Demo
20. Creating an Automatic Lookup
21. Alerts Lecture
22. Alerts Demo
23. Fundamentals 1 Quiz