ROS2 Robotics Developer Course - Using ROS2 In Python

ROS2 Robotics Developer Course – Using ROS2 In Python

The course is designed for beginners with little, to no experience using ROS2. The coding in this course is done inĀ Python 3 using ROS2 Foxy. We will go over installation of ROS2, how to develop code that uses the framework, and even go over simulation tools so you can make your own robot and control it in simulation, with code that can easily be ported to a real robotic system.

This course is also well suited towards developers who utilized the previous ROS version, and want to learn how to use the newly reworked ROS2 API. It is also worth noting unlike ROS1, ROS2 has cross-platform support which allows it to be used on Ubuntu,

Windows 10, and MacOs Mojave. ROS2 also allows for compatibility with ROS1 systems, so you can integrate your new ROS2 projects with your previous ROS1 systems.

The course is broken into 6 main sections:

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Environment Setup
  3. ROS2 Overview
  4. Using ROS2 in Python
  5. Robotics Simulation
  6. Advanced Features In ROS2
  7. Course Outro

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