ROS Simulating SLAM and Autonomous Driving Custom Robot

ROS Simulating SLAM and Autonomous Driving Custom Robot


Robot is now part of daily life. To understand robotics process and robotics programming we have to use a robot framework which is ROS. In whichwe will be using XML as main language for building the robot .
1 –   Who wants to understand SLAM and Path Plannin

2 –   Wants to learn how to build a robot in simulation from Scratch

3 –   who wants to Learn Gazebo and Rviz

4 –   Robotic Enthusiast wanting to simulate projects

5 –   Knows basic of ROS working

This course contains all the concepts you need for simulating your real world robots.

We will be working on theoretical portion of it first and then start moving towards practical implementation .

You can think of the course as a intermediate course of robotics school. Where you get theoretical basis and then robotics laser sensors  control through ROS packages  .

Although this course does not complete ALL robotics algorithms but you get the understanding of using the ROS framework ,its pre build packages and then you can easily make your own projects easy and simple  🙂

After this course you will feel to have quite a lot grip on ROS simulation on gazebo and rviz then you will be able to simulate all real world projects you want to complete in a simulation before practicality implementing

If you are new to ROS I have some thing special for YOU !
Here is a learning path so you get a streamlined information through my courses .

1:Ultimate guide to Simulate and implement

2: Mastering Mobile Robots

3:Slam and autonomous driving with Custom Robot

4:Understanding Math behind Robotic arm

5:Build Robotic arm with gazebo

6:Autonomous Drone

7:Real Robot Using OpenCV

8:Autonomous Driving and Path planning

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