Real Life Python for Network Engineers - CLI Devices

Real Life Python for Network Engineers – CLI Devices


Why this Course?

This course is more about practical situations. You will be given scenarios where you have to solve the problems/ complete the project using python automation.

These scenarios will also help you to understand day-to-day operations performed by the Network Engineer.

The course will constantly update with new videos

This course is intended to two kinds of people

1. Those who already know Python but don’t how to get started and

2. Who are just started their network automation journey

Why Python?

Python is easy to understand and readable for network automation. This is the dominating and high-level language. As a result, you do not need to write many codes. In short, fast and easy debugging, interpreted, powerful, object-oriented, extensible, and many other reasons make this language to learn.

In addition, Python helps in network automation where programmed scripts automatically configure, manage, provision, and test network devices. Python automation helps to reduce the complexity of infrastructures, enables speed, and ensures reliability and compliance.

With the high demand for automation and programming skills and knowledge in the industry, “Real life Python for Network Engineers” series can be the best course for network engineers.

Moreover, Python uses various tools/ modules to handle network devices from various vendors such as Cisco (IOS, IOS XE, and IOS XR).

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