Python Projects Python & Data Science with Python Projects By Oak Academy

Python Projects Python & Data Science with Python Projects


Welcome to Python Projects: Python & Data Science with Python Projects course.

Python Marathon & Data Science with NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Python Project

In this course, We will open the door of the Data Science world and try to move deeper. We will step by step to learn the fundamentals of Python and its beautiful libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib step by step. Throughout the course, we will do a variety of exercises to reinforce what we have learned. Data science, data science from scratch, pandas, python data science, numpy, programming, python and data science from scratch, python for data science, data science python, matplotlib, python pandas, python exercises, data science Project, pandas exercises, python pandas numpy, data literacy, numpy pandas, pandas python, python programming for data science

In this course you will learn;

How to use Anaconda, PyCharm, Jupyter notebook and Google Colab,

Fundamentals of Python such as

  • Datatypes in Python,
  • Lots of datatype operators, methods and how to use them,
  • Conditional concept, if and elif statements
  • Logic of Loops and control statements
  • Functions and how to use them
  • How to use modules and create your own modules

Data science and Data literacy concepts

Fundamentals of Numpy for Data manipulation such as

  • Numpy arrays and their features
  • How to do indexing and slicing on Arrays

Lots of stuff about Pandas for data manipulation such as

  • Pandas series and their features
  • Dataframes and their features
  • Hierarchical indexing concept and theory
  • Groupby operations
  • Logic of data munging
  • How to deal effectively with missing data effectively
  • Combining the data frames
  • How to work with Dataset files

In the ad also you will learn fundamental things about the Matplotlib library such as

  • Pyplot, pylab and matplotlb concept
  • What Figure, Subplot, and Axes are
  • How to do figure and plot customization

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