
Python GUI Programming – Building a Desktop Application with Tkinter and SQLite

Build GUI apps with Python, Tkinter. and SQLite3
Master the Web API and its usage in real projects.
Master database and SQLite3 basics
Convert .py applications to working .exe applications
Welcome to Python GUI Programming – Building Desktop Applications with Tkinter and SQLite

This course will help you build a Python GUI application step-by-step with Tkinter, SQLite. and the free CoinMarketCap API. Throughout the course, you will learn more about Python and Tkinter, including:

• Understanding API nd its usage.

• Extracting cryptocurrency coin data and working with it.

• Building portfolio logic on the command line then focusing on the GUI

• Getting started with Tkinter and Python GUI

• Merging your command-line application with Tkinter and completing the.py version.

• Converting the.py application to an executable .exe app.

• Understanding the basics of SQLite3 with Python.

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