Python & Django The Complete Django Web Development Course

Python & Django | The Complete Django Web Development Course


Welcome to The Complete Django Web Development Course. The most comprehensive Django course available online. Covering all the fundamental concepts regarding Django development, using the latest Django 4.0 version.

I’ve built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum to ensure that you come out of this course as a fully-fledged Django developer. I’ll take you from scratch and make you into a skilled Django developer with a strong knowledge of building full-stack web applications.

This course will teach Django & Python from scratch, NO prior knowledge of either of the two is required! And you certainly don’t need any advanced web development experience. As long as you understand the fundamental concepts of HTML, CSS, and Javascript this course will teach you everything else.

You’ll learn Django not only in theory but we’ll build a complex, real-world, feature-rich web application throughout this course. The project known as AutoMax will include all features of a modern web application.

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