Python and Flask Web Development Bootcamp

Python and Flask Web Development Bootcamp

This course will be your complete definitive guide for developing fully functional websites with the Flask web framework. We’ll start with crash courses in the basic front-end technologies for HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 4. Once you have a good understanding of the basics of these front-end technologies, we’ll begin our journey with Python and Flask. The course includes a complete Python refresher that starts with the very basics and quickly takes you through the advanced features, including functions, decorators, object-oriented programming, and more!

Once we understand HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, and Python we’re ready to tackle Flask and learn about all the amazing features it has! We’ll create basic landing pages with Flask and Python, then show you how to connect templates to Flask do you can connect your Flask Application to HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap-based templates. We’ll also cover how to use the Jinja template engine to directly connect your flask application to your front-end files to customize your websites.

Flask is a microframework for web development, written in Python.

It’s lightweight and simple, so you can start using it straight away. As you go through the course and learn more about it, you’ll realize it’s also really powerful!

Flask provides everything we need for building websites: a good way to organize our apps, helpers for user authentication, a large selection of plugins and extensions to do dozens of other things, and much more!

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