PySpark for Data Science - Beginners

PySpark for Data Science – Beginners


These PySpark Tutorials aim to explain the basics of Apache Spark and the essentials related to it. This also targets why the Apache spark is a better choice than Hadoop and is the best solution when it comes to real-time processing. You will also understand what are the benefits and disadvantages of using Spark with all the above-listed languages You will also read about the concept of RDDs and other very basic features and terminologies being used in the case of Spark. This course is for students, professionals, and aspiring data scientists who want to get hands-on training in PySpark (Python for Apache Spark) using real-world datasets and applicable coding knowledge that you’ll use every day as a data scientist.

Pyspark is a big data solution that is applicable for real-time streaming using Python programming language and provides a better and efficient way to do all kinds of calculations and computations. It is also probably the best solution in the market as it is interoperable i.e. Pyspark can easily be managed along with other technologies and other components of the entire pipeline. The earlier big data and Hadoop techniques included batch time processing techniques

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