Practice JavaScript and Learn AJAX

Practice JavaScript and Learn AJAX

If you already know the basics of JavaScript and have created some simple scripts or apps, you might be wondering about your next step. To keep growing as a JavaScript coder, you need to keep learning and practicing new skills.

Microsoft revolutionized the web with the XMLHttp object because it allowed developers to issue HTTP requests with JavaScript. That seemingly small capability—AJAX as it’s known—forever changed the way we approach and develop for the web. In fact, this was the start of the dynamic, interactive web apps that we know today.

In this course, Jeremy McPeak will teach you how to get started with AJAX in JavaScript. You’ll learn how to make a simple GET request, how to collect user data from forms with GET, and how to issue POST, PUT and DELETE requests to update data on the server. Finally, you’ll learn how to upload a file using JavaScript.

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