Machine Learning seems to be a very complex subject - and yes, it is, but... That does not mean you cannot make awesome projects using Machine Learning.

Practical Machine Learning, Twitter-API & Map Visualization

What you’ll learn
Learn how to setup and use the Twitter API
Foundation of Machine Learning
Practical examples with Machine Learning: Linear Regression, K-Means, Sentiment Model
Deep dive study and usage of Sentiment Model on Twitter data: Compare the mood of Java vs Python
Visualize data on interactive map
Extract location data from tweets
Automate to lookup latitude and longitude of 40.000+ tweets (nice optimization to speed this step up)
Transform raw data to fit Machine Learning model (including cleaning, lemmatize, remove stop words)

Basic Python skills
Interest in Machine Learning
Interest to learn to use online API’s (like Twitter and Geo-lookup)
How to start with Machine Learning

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