PIC Microcontroller Interfacing with Graphical LCD

PIC Microcontroller Interfacing with Graphical LCD

Welcome to this course.
Text LCD displays are all very well known and used by lots of people, but they suffer from various limitations. For one thing, you don’t have a huge amount of screen to play with, you can’t do special effects (like inverse) and you can’t draw boxes and gauges or images.
Enter the graphical LCD World, which gives you more room to play with, and a lot of effects that can be used to make your display shine with information.
The graphical LCD has a resolution of 128 by 64 pixels. It is monochrome, however it has an LED back light to help see the image.
In this course you will learn it’s internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to PIC Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and sentences, shapes and even images.

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