OpenCV and Java Build a Webcam Biofeedback Game

OpenCV and Java Build a Webcam Biofeedback Game

If you want to learn Java, or, if Java is your first language, or, preferred language, or, if you already know Java and have limited time to pick up other languages  and want to get started quickly on building rich gui-based computer vision applications,  the fun and easy way, then this course is for you. You will learn how to use Eclipse and Java to create webcam applications and image processing applications that perform innovative functions.

You will also learn Java programming. After learning the basic skills taught in this course, you will be able to incorporate OpenCV into your Java Applications.

This course is also ideal for Software Developers who want to learn how to add computer vision capability to their projects. They can rapidly create new and innovative apps to test out new ideas. Java is one of the most widely used language today and adding Computer Vision skills to your arsenal would benefit you greatly.

We will also do a Project called Webcam Biofeedback. In this game, the webcam will detect the breathing and display some statistics and a graph on the screen. Users can launch a game which uses these statistics and learn how to breathe properly in order to relax.

Why Java?

Why not? Java is one of the most widely used programming languages out there. The most popular online game Minecraft was built with Java and so is the NSA’s reverse engineering tool:  Ghidra. Many enterprise solutions are built on Java. There is a huge community base for Java. Also, since OpenCV 2.4.4 onwards, Java support is already there.  Also, if Java is your first programming language – you need not have to suffer the steep learning curve of learning Python or C++, just use what you already know.

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