Node.js API with Clean architecture

Node.js API with Clean architecture


In this course, we will create Node.js basic shop API using Express.js and MongoDB. We will start this journey by understanding what clean architecture means, and right after will dive deep into coding.

We will start this course using in-memory DB and after that will move our app to MongoDB and Mongoose. I made a decision to make the course this way to show you how it’s easy to move from one library to another when you are using good architecture.

We will test out the application using jest with the newest test stack and methodologies.

In this course, you will see how to use dependency injections in a really easy format and what it gives you. We will also make business validations for entity creation and updates. I want to show you how to use the response contracts layer to give one look at your every response from the server.

We will create an Application error handler to handle every exception or error and respond to a formatted response.

After every step of this course, you will have hands-on exercises and an answer right after

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