Mobile and Web Development with React JS & Native & Angular

Mobile and Web Development with React JS & Native & Angular


Hello there,

Welcome to Mobile and Web Development with React JS & Native & Angular course.

React is one of the best choices for building modern web applications. If you are new to React or maybe you’ve been struggling to learn and truly understand what’s going on then this course is the best way for you to learn React.

React-Native is a library developed by the React team and it is widely used to create mobile applications for both Android and IOS. You do not need to learn Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C, or anything of that.  React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS.

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. By learning growing web server technology, NodeJS, you can improve your skills, get a new job and you can build powerful, robust web applications.

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database program. By using MongoDB, you can build a modern application database for your projects.

This course is for beginners. We will take you from beginner to advance level.  You will learn  React development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. To be able to benefit from this course, all you need is a basic understanding of JavaScript.

In the course, we are going to tell you what dependencies you need to install and how in detail, to be able to create mobile apps on both MAC and Windows. We are going to use free tools and platforms so you don’t have to buy any tool or app. You are going to learn how to run an Android and iOS simulator on your MAC or Windows computer.

Later on the course, we are going to learn the basics of React.  JSX, ‘props system’ and ‘state system’ are going to be crystal clear for you at the end of the course.

We tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. We used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice-looking mobile application. We showed two different ways to create a mobile app. We showed both react-native-cli and expo-cli in our course.

We’ll be creating nice-looking reusable components. So you will be able to use this reusable component on your own future projects.On

In this course, I explained all the complex topics in very detail but by making them simpler which I believe will help you a lot. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice looking mobile application.

At the end of the course you will learn;

  • Basics of React, React-Native, React-Navigation libraries
  • How to send an HTTP request from a mobile application,
  • How to use the flex-box system,
  • How to create reusable components,
  • To reach another app on the device from our app and
  • Creating your own mobile app both with react-native-cli and expo-cli
  • To reach another app on the device from our app
  • Creating Context with Class Based and Functional Components
  • How to Consume Context in Class Based and Functional Components
  • How to Use Multiple Context in one single component
  • Hooks Functions(useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext…)
  • Creating Reducer and
  • Using Reducer is going to be clear for you.
  • You’ll learn how asynchronous code works in Node and the Node event loop, as well as how to use the event emitter, streams, buffers, pipes, and work with files.
  • We’ll see how that leads to building a web server in Node with hands-on examples.
  • The logic behind MongoDB’s data storage
  • The most popular Object Data Modeling Library for MongoDB, Mongoose JS
  • Writing queries for creating, reading, updating, and deleting operations
  • Advanced Features of MongooseJS
  • The best testing framework for NodeJS, Mocha

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