Middle Frontend Developer (React + Typescript) Practise 2024

Middle Frontend Developer (React + Typescript) Practise 2024


OMG! We are opening PRE-SALES for the best 2024 FrontEnd course!

3 new lessons will be released every week – and now you have a unique opportunity to get this course at the best price (use coupon “PRESALES” for this).

This is a translation of the legendary course from PROMOTICH TEAM about creation GAMEMARKETPLACE with 3 casino games.

It’s time to raise your FrontEnd level to Middle+

You will get the knowledge that will allow you to become a specialist, who will be different from the thousands of other entry-level developers, who are currently looking for a new job.

To become a cool professional, you need to learn to create something better than CRUD or simple projects – you need to do something really interesting and now you have a unique opportunity to create your own GAMEMARKETPLACE  with 3 casino games on React and PixiJS

You will use modern 2024 techstack:

  • Core framework – React + Vite
  • State manager – Redux Toolkit
  • Api manager – RTK Query
  • Styles – TailwindCSS
  • Canvas – ReactPIXI

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