Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery Course

Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery Course

Welcome to Microsoft SQL Server Backup and Recovery Course

Did you know that you can perform with your BACKUP?

Are you sure you have an effective and robust BACKUP strategy in place?

Have you ever heard of the TRANSACTION LOG BACKUP?

One of the most important roles of a database administrator is to constantly protect the integrity of the databases and maintain the ability to recover quickly in case of a failure. In light of this, it’s critically important to have a backup-and-recovery strategy in place in order to be ready for an emergency.

In this course we will discuss the BACKUP LOGS and DIFFERENTIAL BACKUP, and why it is absolutely necessary to implement them in your BACKUP strategy.

We will see the different full recovery model on a database (FULL, SIMPLE and BULKED LOGGED), and why this is (very) important for our BACKUPs.

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