AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Certification 2022

Microsoft Azure, Devops And Microservices With .Net


In an increasingly crowded market how do you STAND OUT from the crowd?

What are the key technology skills in HIGH DEMAND today?

Do you want to elevate yourself above the competition and INCREASE your earning power? Then this is the course for you!

I’ll teach you the step by step how to understand and use:

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Azure DevOps
  • Microservices

Take your career to the next level and learn how the top developers can demand bigger salaries!   

Freelance & contract developers with these skills can make upwards of $800 a day, and the demand is increasing each year. Completing this course will open your eyes to a new world of potential earnings.

With the development community growing each year, it’s becoming harder and harder to impress potential customers or employers – but what separates the high earners from the rest is knowing how to use the latest tools, technologies and methodologies.

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