Mastering SQL Query With SQL Server

Mastering SQL Query With SQL Server

This Course cover first two modules of 70-461 (Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014).
  • Create and alter tables using T-SQL syntax (simple statements):
    • Create tables without using the built in tools;
      1. ALTER;
      2. DROP;
      3. ALTER COLUMN;
      4. CREATE
  • Create and modify constraints (simple statements)
    • Create constraints on tables; define constraints;
      1. unique Key constraints.
      2. Default constraints.
      3. Primary Key constraints.
      4. Foreign key constraints
      5. Not Null constraints.
      6. Check constraints.
  • Query data by using SELECT statements:
    • Use the ranking function to select top(n) rows;
    • Restrict data using where conditions
      • IN Operators.
      • Between Operators.
      • Like Operators.
      • Conditional Operators.
      • Combine multiple conditions using AND / OR / NOT.
    • Sort Data using Order By clause:
      • Sort Data ascending and descending order.
      • Restrict Sorted Data Using Offset Fetch.
  • Modify data by using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements:
    • Insert data into a table using insert statement.
    • Insert data using SQL server management studio.
    • Remove data using Delete statements.
    • Remove data using SQL server management Studio.
    • Remove data using Truncate statement.
    • Update data using Update statements.
    • Update data using SQL server management studio.

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