Mastering Bootstrap 5 - Complete Guide Step By Step 2022

Mastering Bootstrap 5 – Complete Guide Step By Step 2022


(Updated to Bootstrap 5.2)

Bootstrap is a popular framework designed for the building and development of responsive web applications. With Bootstrap 5, the framework has more UI elements and comes with more advanced features. More than a million websites use Bootstrap and their framework for front-end development.

In this course, you will learn Bootstrap 5 from scratch to an advanced level. You will learn to build 3 Live Real-World projects with the latest Bootstrap 5 CSS framework. We will go through the Bootstrap 5 documentation step by step and learn how to use the UI elements.

Now, before you can get started, you need to have some prerequisites for this course. Although this Bootstrap 5 course covers everything from scratch. You need some skills to get started.

You need to have some skills in HTML5 & CSS3 and you should be able to build some websites with HTML and CSS. If not, that’s ok, but you still need to know some basics of HTML and CSS.

You should know how Classes and IDs work in CSS because classes and IDs are what are used to build websites with Bootstrap 5. Make sure to have some basic idea of what CSS classes and IDs mean.

You also need to have some skills in JavaScript, although it’s not required in this course much. It is still a good idea to have some skills in JavaScript. Because Bootstrap 5 uses JavaScript at its main core to work with web interactions, like dropdown menusmodals, and other UI elements.

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