Master Openai Gpt-3 Business Applications & Code Generation

Master Openai Gpt-3: Business Applications & Code Generation


Master OpenAI ChatGPT: Business Applications & Code Generation” is a comprehensive course that covers the full range of OpenAI products and services, from the history and mission of the company to the potential and impact of AI. The course is divided into 7 sections, each focusing on a different aspect of OpenAI.

In the first section, students will learn about the history and mission of OpenAI, the products and services offered by the company, the impact and potential of AI, and the role of OpenAI in the broader AI community.

The second section is dedicated to GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), the state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. Students will learn the basics of GPT, including how it works, and how to use it for tasks such as text generation and language translation. The section will also cover fine-tuning GPT for specific tasks or domains.

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