
Master NestJS – The JavaScript Node.js Framework

NestJS is the best way to enter the world of JavaScript/TypeScript Node.js programming. It’s an easy-to-learn and powerful framework. This course will guide you from the very basics into more advanced concepts, including:

  • Routing and controllers
  • Databases including TypeORM (Repository, Query Builder, Relations)
  • Using Docker in your local development workflow
  • Data validation and serialization
  • All about NestJS modules, Dependency Injection, and Providers
  • Configuring, logging, error handling
  • Authentication including Passport.js, Bcrypt
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) tokens explained, generation and usage
  • Authorization (making sure the user has privileges)
  • Using Postman (including collections, environments, automating Postman)
  • Unit testing
  • End to End testing (including connecting to a database)

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