Master in Apache HTTP Web server with Core Concept

Master in Apache HTTP Web server with Core Concept

The course is aimed to teach Apache web server administration for Linux admins who wish to develop their skills with a new wanted skill. this course take you from the basic web server concept to the advanced topics in Apache. So we are going to start with:

What is web server?

Install and configure Apache

Directory Structure


Core modules and other modules in Apache

Virtual hosts

Aliases and redirecting

And then we’ll move on to:

Securing you Apache

Monitor performance

Reduce your configuration work with Macros in httpd

Load balancing using Apache

With that there will be 24 hour support for any questions or suggestions in the discussion forum

And now after this description you must be concerned on what are you going to get out of this course by the end !

By the end of this course you will have the skills needed to administrate Apache web server.

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