Master Class NGINX WebServer and Custom Load Balancer

Master Class NGINX WebServer and Custom Load Balancer


NGNX is one of the top grade HTTP Server which powers most of the top Enterprise websites like Netflix, Dropbox , WordPress, GitHub, Discovery, and many others.

This is one of the first courses which is specially designed for beginners who would like to master NGNX. NGNX is not just an HTTP Server but can also act as a Reverse Proxy, Load Balancer.

Mastering NGNX means having a solid foundation for HTTP Protocol. Thus this course initially focuses on HTTP Protocol and then we slowly move to NGNX and using NGNX in a High-Performance Enterprise Environment. All designed for beginners.

Build a strong foundation in NGNX with this practical course suited to both beginners and the more experienced.

Learn to customize the NGNX installation

Configure NGNX as a web server

Install & configure a server-side programming language as an NGNX backend

Learn to tweak NGNX for optimal performance

Secure NGNX with some security best practices

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