Machine Learning and Deep Learning A-Z Hands-On Python

Machine Learning and Deep Learning A-Z Hands-On Python

  • What is Machine Learning?
  • More About Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning Terminology
  • Evaluation Metrics
  • What is Classification vs Regression?
  • Evaluating Performance-Classification Error Metrics
  • Evaluating Performance-Regression Error Metrics
  • Machine Learning with Python
  • Supervised Learning
  • Cross-Validation and Bias Variance Trade-Off
  • Use Matplotlib and seaborn for data visualizations
  • Machine Learning with SciKit Learn
  • Linear Regression Theory
  • Logistic Regression Theory
  • Logistic Regression with Python
  • K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Theory
  • K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm With Python
  • K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Project Overview
  • K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Project Solutions
  • Decision Trees And Random Forest Algorithm Theory
  • Decision Trees And Random Forest Algorithm With Python
  • Decision Trees And Random Forest Algorithm Project Overview
  • Decision Trees And Random Forest Algorithm Project Solutions
  • Support Vector Machines Algorithm Theory
  • Support Vector Machines Algorithm With Python
  • Support Vector Machines Algorithm Project Overview
  • Support Vector Machines Algorithm Project Solutions
  • Unsupervised Learning Overview
  • K Means Clustering Algorithm Theory
  • K Means Clustering Algorithm With Python
  • K Means Clustering Algorithm Project Overview
  • K Means Clustering Algorithm Project Solutions
  • Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Theory
  • Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm With Python
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Theory
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) With Python
  • Recommender System Algorithm Theory
  • Recommender System Algorithm With Python

With my up-to-date course, you will have a chance to keep yourself up-to-date and equip yourself with a range of Python programming skills. I am also happy to tell you that I will be constantly available to support your learning and answer questions.

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