Linux for Cloud & DevOps Engineers - Hands-on!!

Linux for Cloud & DevOps Engineers – Hands-on!!


Linux for Cloud & DevOps Engineers


  • Create an AWS Account
  • Create an EC2 Instance – Amazon Linux
  • Create a key pair – Public & Private Key
  • MobaXterm – Connect EC2 Instance
  • Putty – Connect EC2 Instance
  • Gitbash – Connect to EC2 Instance
  • Create an EC2 Instance – Ubuntu
  • Filter Instances
  • Access Instance using User Name & Password (Without using Private key)
  • More about private & public key
  • Passwordless authentication from Linux to Ubuntu Server
  • Lab – Access the Amazon Linux Instance other than the default user
  • Lab – Access the Ubuntu Linux Instance other than the default user
  • Lab – Passwordless Authentication between Amazon Linux & Ubuntu and Vice versa

Linux Filesystem Structure & Basic commands

  • Linux File Hierarchy Structure
  • Basic Linux Commands Practicepwd, touch, vi/vim/nano cp mv mkdir, etc

User Administration

  • Overview of User Administration
  • Lab – Managing User Account
  • Lab – User & Group Creation
  • Lab – Primary & Supplementary group
  • Lab – Usermod Command
  • Understanding the Shadow file

User’s Home Directory In Linux

  • Overview of .bash_profile, .bashrc & .bash_logout
  • Lab – Initialization file
  • Lab – Set PATH in .bash_profile file
  • Lab – Set Aliases & Login prompt PS1

Permissions in Linux

  • Overview of Permissions in Linux
  • File & Directory Attributes
  • Access Modes ( Absolute & Symbolic Mode)
  • Change Ownership
  • Scenario-based Lab Sessions
  • Lab – Permit access to a file/directory for a group
  • Lab – Permit access to a file/directory for a others
  • Lab – Change the ownership or a file/directory

Troubleshooting Instance launch Issues

  • VcpuLimitExceeded Error
  • InstanceLimitExceeded Error
  • Insufficient Instance Capacity
  • Instance terminates immediately
  • Common SSH Login Issues

EC2 – Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Overview of EC2 Service
  • Deploy an EC2 Instance Lab
  • Create a key pair to access the Instance
  • Connect to an Instance via putty
  • Connect to an Instance from Linux Server
  • Enable Termination Protection
  • EC2 Shutdown Behavior
  • Overview of Security Groups
  • EBS & Volume types
  • Lab Session on EBS
  • EBS Volume & Snapshot
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Lab Session on AMI & SnapShot
  • Encrypted Root Volume
  • Elastic IP
  • EC2 Instance backup and restore
  • Increase the Size of a Root Volume
  • EC2 Instance Metadata
  • EC2 Instance Userdata

Systemd – System and Service Manager

  • Introduction to Systemd, Systemd units
  • Lab on systemctl command and journal

Bonus AWS Systems Manager

  • AWS Systems Manager Overview
  • AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent)
  • Configure EC2 Instances with SSM Agent & Role
  • AWS Tags & Resouce Groups
  • AWS Systems Manager Run Command
  • AWS Systems Manager Documents
  • AWS Systems Manager Inventory
  • Configure Patch Manager using predefined baselines
  • Create a Custom patch baseline (Critical & Medium patches by severities)
  • Configure patch manager using a custom patch baseline (Linux)
  • Last Lecture

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