Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL From Zero to Hero

Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL From Zero to Hero

What you’ll learn

Perform sophisticated queries
Join tables together
Use Group By to answer questions on aggregated date
Create and modifying tables
Create indexes to improve search speed
Put in constraints to keep data clean
Use pgAdmin tool
Learn recursive queries
How views make accessing data simpler
Sequences to auto increment fields
Common Table Expressions
Conditional Expressions
Window Functions
How to handle date and time data
SQL Functions
Transactions and Concurrency Control
PL/pgSQL Functions
Composite Data Types
Array Data Types


Basic computer skills.
Ability to install software on system.
Computer that can run PostgreSQL ( I will show you how to install ).


Learning SQL was one of the most valuable skills I learned while building Match. We had one of the largest instances of Microsoft SQL Server in the 90s with millions of records to keep the site running. The better we got at SQL, the better we could make the site work for our users and answers sophisticated questions about our users.

I want to teach you how to use PostgreSQL. We will walk through

Basic selection statements

Joining multiple tables together

Grouping records to get aggregate data

Inserting, updating and deleting records

Creating tables and indexes

Subqueries to create sophisticated reports

Table constraints to keep data clean

Sequences to create auto incrementing fields

CTE – common table expressions that include recursive queries

Views to simply accessing complex queries

Conditional Expressions for queries

Window functions to combine regular queries with aggregate data

How to work with date, time and intervals

Create SQL Functions to capture complex statements

Create PL/pgSQL Functions that allow programming with if/then and loops


Array data types

Composite data types

Transactions and concurrency control

Who this course is for:

Someone wanting to master PostgreSQL and SQL query language
Anyone wanting to learn advanced query expressions

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