Learn Python Build 8 Real Django Web Development Projects

Learn Python Build 8 Real Django Web Development Projects


Python is growing and growing big time. If you read programming and technology news or blog post then you might have noticed the rise of Python as many popular developer communities including StackOverFlow and CodeAcademy has mentioned the rise of Python as a major programming language.

But, the biggest question is why should a programmer learn Python? Python is growing Ok, that’s great, but it doesn’t mean Java is going down or C++ is declining.

For beginners it’s simple, start with Python because it is easy to learn and powerful enough to build a web application and automate boring stuff

For experienced programmers or someone who already know Ruby, Java, or JavaScript, learning Python means acquiring a new and powerful tool in your arsenal and I have yet to come up with a programmer who says no to a tool and that’s the right way to look when you learn a new programming language.

Though, the questions depend upon who is asking that i.e. for a beginner, learning Python makes sense because its simple and main reason for learning Python is simplicity

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