Learn PHP and MYSQL- Build a Customer Loyalty Reward System

Learn PHP and MYSQL- Build a Customer Loyalty Reward System


In this course, we are going to learn how to create a dashboard for rewarding customers with points after making a purchase. We will build a system in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and MYSQL to reward our customers with points for the total purchase of goods they purchase. The system will also have a cashier role management whereby our system will redirect cashiers to a different dashboard for example if a cashier has the role of a cashier he/she will be redirected to the cashier dashboard and if a cashier has a role of a manager he/she will be directed to the manager dashboard. We will also secure different routes to prevent users from not accessing pages that they are not supposed to. Our system will also give different cashiers different functionality like the cashier will have a functionality to give points only then the manager will have a functionality to reward points to customers view all rewarded, transferred and redeemed points, also the manager will have the functionality to add, view, and edit cashiers details and edit reward rate.

Join me in this course and we will learn the following.

  • Adding cashier users with different roles
  • Backend and clientside form validation
  • Editing cashier details
  • Adding and updating points rate/limit
  • Rewarding customers with points
  • How to manage different cashier roles using sessions
  • Updating cashier password
  • Protecting different sections of the system according to cashier roles

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