Learn How to Build a WordPress Website on AWS

Learn How to Build a WordPress Website on AWS

Have you ever dreamed of earning a 6-figure salary?! Or want to create a project on Amazon Web Services? And don’t know where to start. Then you have come to the right place! Welcome to the WordPress Website on AWS course.

My name is Azeez Salu and I have over 4 AWS certifications and today I earn a 6 figure salary!

As a Mechanical Designer, I made $55000 a year, but switching to Cloud Computing has allowed me to increase my income. Changing my field from a mechanical designer to cloud computing is one of the best decisions I have made. Today, my job allows me to meet great people, and takes me to incredible places and work.

When I started out, I didn’t have a traditional IT background and I had to create some projects to give me a competitive edge. And it worked! I received calls back from almost very company I applied to, AND I got a six-figure offer from two companies. I now work for one of them as a cloud security engineer. The projects created by me validated my skills, and the company was impressed that I had completed these on my own.

Now you can do that for yourself. Even if you don’t have a traditional IT background and want to present a project during your interview, to validate your skills and give yourself that competitive edge, sign in on this course today!

Here’s what you will learn

You will learn step by step on how to deploy and host a production-ready WordPress website on AWS.

We will together use this architecture to make our WordPress website using various AWS resources such as

  • VPC with Public and Private Subnets
  • Security Groups
  • EC2
  • RDS
  • Elastic File System
  • Nat Gateway
  • Application Load Balancer
  • Route 53
  • Auto-Scaling Group
  • Certificate Manager

Though you know what the services are and how they are used, HERE, you will learn the ins and outs on how to create this stunning WordPress site on AWS.

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