Learn Google Cloud Platform

Learn Google Cloud Platform

About This Class

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) class provides you with the tools to master the concepts you need to become a cloud computing architect. GCP is a large and complex set of products and services that can be overwhelming.

I have structured the class in a simple, module-based learning system with basic concepts, demonstrations, and real-world examples. Whether you are a beginner looking for an introductory overview of Google Cloud Platform or a professional preparing for certification, you will benefit from this class.

What you’ll learn in this class?

This class has the following things covered,

  • Course Overview
  • Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform
  • Intro to World’s Largest and Fastest Private Networks
  • Identity and Security
  • Introduction to Planet Scale Computing
  • Storage and Database
  • Working with Big Data
  • Artificial Intelligence and Developer Tools
  • Connecting the Dots

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