Learn Docker Swarm for Devops

Learn Docker Swarm for Devops

About This Class

In this class, you are going to learn about most popular orchestration management tool, Docker Swarm. It allows the user to manage multiple containers deployed across multiple host machines.

Docker Swarm is for small/medium size organization having less then 200 employees or cluster of less then 1000 machines.

The salient features of Docker Swarm is:

  • Easy installation
  • High level of availability
  • Scalability (Not Auto scalable)
  • Auto Load Balancing
  • Fault tolerance
  • Easy to rollback task
  • Decentralized access
  • Service Discovery

In this class, you’ll get answers of what is docker, docker swarm, how to scale up the application, how to make fault tolerance and highly available applications and much more. You can apply these docker skills in multiple domains for devops and software development.

Then you’ll be learning about how to create multiple Linux host machines with the help of docker machine and create virtual switch network among them for the communication. Once multiple cluster of nodes are ready to work with you’ll learn to initialize docker swarm and generate token to add as many workers or managers into the swarm as per requirement.

Then you’ll learn to deploy docker services (Image for microservices) in 3 node cluster

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