Learn Amazon Prometheus in 1 day

Learn Amazon Prometheus in 1 day


Since the idea of Cloud Native introduced, Prometheus become a popular monitoring and gradually be integrated into a part of containerized application eco-system. Right now, Prometheus is a leading open-source monitoring solution with an active developer and user community. It has a multi-dimensional data model that is a great fit for time series data collected from containers.

In the end of 2020, Amazon Web Services launched Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) – a fully-managed service is 100% compatible with Prometheus, that makes it easy to monitor containerized applications at scale.

What will you learn from this course?

  • Learn Prometheus and concepts – basic and difference between Amazon Prometheus
  • Real use case – Learn how to ingest your metrics to Amazon Prometheus, including Kubernetes and private networking scenario by doing real world hands-on, which can be applied to your team
  • Troubleshooting skills – Learn how to do basic troubleshooting skills when ingesting your data

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