Learn Ajax With Php 3 Awesome Projects - Basic To Advanced

Learn Ajax With Php : 3 Awesome Projects – Basic To Advanced

Hello and welcome to the course Learn Ajax with PHP
In this course you are going to learn Ajax from basics. After that you will learn creating these three Ajax projects. In basics sections you are going to send and receive request with Ajax using both POST and GET method, with form input field.
Ajax Project 1 : Ajax Country State City Select List
In this project, you will learn about creating a select dropdown list for country, state & city. Data is fetched from the database based on the selection of country & state.
Ajax Project 2 : Ajax Search Suggestions
In this project, you will learn how to create Ajax Search Suggestions from scratch. In this project, I’m using the cities database table from project 1 which contains 48,000+ records.
Ajax Project 3 : Complete Ajax CRUD Application
In this project, you will learn about creating a Complete Ajax CRUD Application to do all the CRUD operations in the background.
You can use these techniques in any Ajax project.
You will learn a lot about Ajax in this course. Take Action & Join the Course.

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