Laravel News Portal Website for Beginner to Advanced

Laravel News Portal Website for Beginner to Advanced


In this course, I have taught the students the Laravel framework from scratch. After showing all the basics of Laravel, authentication system, template mastering etc., I have developed a complete News Portal System with the latest version of Laravel, Laravel 9.

The persons who are very beginner in Laravel and only have few php and oop idea, they will be benefitted the most from this course. But the advanced persons will also get help from this course, because I have coded following the standard and showed some advanced features.

Admin Panel Features:

  1. Admin can create, edit and delete Authors.
  2. Admin can change the website color
  3. Admin can change logo, favicon etc.
  4. Admin can change top bar information.
  5. Admin can control the home page information.
  6. Admin can create, edit and delete languages.
  7. Admin can create, edit and delete news categories and subcategories.
  8. Admin can create, edit and delete news posts.
  9. Admin can create, edit and delete FAQs.
  10. Admin can create, edit and delete Online Polls.
  11. Admin can create, edit and delete Live Channel items.
  12. Admin can create, edit and delete photos for the photo gallery.
  13. Admin can create, edit and delete photos for the video gallery.
  14. Admin can create, edit and delete the social items.
  15. Admin can create, edit and delete advertisements.
  16. Admin can send email to subscribers.
  17. Admin can control the share and comment section during post.
  18. Admin can change his own photo, information and password.

Author Features

1. Author can change his own photo, information and password.

2. Author can create, edit and delete news posts.

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