Laravel Make Six Projects With Php And Laravel

Laravel Make Six Projects With Php And Laravel


These courses were recorded in Laravel versions 6 and 7. But I do have “For Laravel 8 Users and Laravel 8 for the absolute beginner’s” section with videos, which will help you to start this course with Laravel 8 or Laravel 9.

Ready to build something awesome?

You will be learning Laravel by making 6 web applications from basic to advanced projects.

PROJECT1: Restaurant app


This is a simple application where an admin can manage foods available in his restaurant and customers can view the details of the food such as price, description of the food, etc. Admin will able to create the categories for the food and manage the foods.

PROJECT 2: Online examination(quiz) app with Laravel and Vuejs


An online quiz or online examination is a web application that allows the admin to set the questions with a maximum of four options along with the correct answer. Admin can categorize the questions by creating the category for the questions. This helps the admin to list all the questions for a particular category whenever necessary. Admin can create the users. Admin can assign the exam to his/her staff/interns/students for a particular category such as programming quiz, aptitude test, and so on. Each student/employee/intern who has been assigned a quiz can attempt the quiz and the result will be available to the candidate and admin can also view the result of the candidate in his/her dashboard.

What students will learn?

  • Students will learn to integrate the free admin template.
  • How to write clean code.
  • How to include Vue js in the project.
  • How to display one question on screen per page and implement the next and previous button and do an ajax request with Vue js.
  • How to include Moment.js for the timer.
  • How to make a design database structure, use the relationship to query.
  • How to solve the challenging problem related to coding.and many more…
  • =>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in the Q&A section

PROJECT 3: Ecommerce application with Laravel


Ecommerce is a web application through which the company or a particular user can sell his products. In this project, we will make a web-based e-commerce web application in which the admin can create a category, subcategory, manage his/her products, view user details, view purchase details and the user will able to filter, search and buy the products from the website via the stripe payment method

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