Java Servlets and Microservices for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Java Servlets and Microservices for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Objective: The objective of these (overall) is to provide you a hands-on introduction to developing servlets and microservices on your Windows Machine for deployment to Amazon Web Services, relying predominantly on the Elastic Beanstalk service.

Resources: The videos are divided into sub-sections indicated by the labels at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to navigate each lecture manually. We provide you with editable text copies of all the source code we use. These “external resources” are labeled in my notes as Res.XX.XX. You may download, save, and use these resources however you see fit.

Machine Requirements: At the beginning of each module, I will outline the type of machine and software you need. Overall, you need a reasonably fast Windows PC with Node.JS installed as well as a good code editor like Notepad++ (that’s my preference). You will also need to have Express.JS, Apache Tomcat, and Spring Boot downloaded and configured.

Knowledge Requirements: At the beginning of each module, I will also outline the prerequisite knowledge you will need to maximize understanding. These modules require some basic experience using Node.JS and basic experience coding in both JavaScript and Java.

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