Cloud Academy - Introduction to Azure IoT Hub

Introduction to Azure IoT Hub

IoT isn’t anything new, in fact it’s been something companies have been doing since before it was named IoT. So you might wonder, if it’s not new, then why all the hype? It’s a good question and the answer is complex. However these days there are a few things that have enabled IoT to take off. The internet is ubiquitous and reasonably inexpensive, makeing it easy to get devices online. The cloud is another enabler, and it’s an important one, because it’s helped to make it possible for individuals to do things that were once cost prohibitive.

Since the cloud is a major enabler of IoT, it’s no surprise that cloud vendors are creating their own IoT solutions. Azure has a lot to offer in the IoT world, and one of the services is IoT Hub. IoT Hub is a services that provides a device registry as well as mechanisms for cloud-to-devices and device-to-cloud communication.

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