Introduction to AWS Glue for Developers

Introduction to AWS Glue for Developers


Welcome to this AWS Glue Course

We are very excited to get this course out to you. This course will take you from being a beginner to an expert in AWS Glue.

In this course you will Learn by example, where we demonstrate all the concepts discussed so that you can see them working, and you can try them out for yourself as well.

My step-by-step training will initiate you into the world of AWS Glue.

Amazon Glue is a ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool which integrates with different data storages. It allows you to clean, compile, massage and transform the data as your move it between different data stores. AWS lets you schedule these jobs to move and transform the data.

Why Learn AWS Glue?

Another Question: What tool should you use for Data Integration when you have multiple data sources and need it in one place for analysis?

AWS Glue will help you in all stages of Data Warehousing. From Data Extraction to Data visualization, AWS Glue is there for you. Glue can leverage other tools in the AWS suits like Amazon Redshift, S3 Data Lake and Athena. Pinpoint all issues during data delivery and setup monitors and alarms to track the pipeline. Use AWS Glue Studio to visualize and create your ETL pipeline. Finally, by integrating all your data sources, you can use AWS Glue to optimize your data visualization process. This is done by creating interactive dashboards, monitors and widgets in AWS Redshift and other 3rd party tools. CloudWatch helps us monitor all our metrics and logs. Email and Slack Alerting notify you of any upcoming issues.

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