Implement High Fidelity Designs with MaterialUI and ReactJS

Implement High Fidelity Designs with Material-UI and ReactJS

After learning React, I think many developers run into a common problem — what are the best practices for actually building your own project!? You may have an idea in your head for a really cool application or website but feel like you wouldn’t know exactly how to go about creating it with React. Are you supposed to build every little component and piece of functionality from scratch? Definitely not! Learn to let Material-UI do the heavy lifting for you with its comprehensive customizable component library with integrated styling, theming, grid, and responsive design systems.

Most of the courses you take while learning React are focused on teaching you the core concepts and fundamental syntax/structures necessary to understand and build React applications. This is usually done by building either a handful of small projects, each focused around a certain concept or by building a large project and incorporating each concept as you go. Learning like this is great, and absolutely essential to understanding the subject.

However, I have noticed that due to the focus on the underlying concepts and functionality, most of the designs and layouts aren’t particularly interesting! None of the designs are bad by any means — and that isn’t the focus of pure React courses so this isn’t a problem — but they aren’t usually something you would give to a paying client, so that does leave a bit of a gap when you begin working on your own. That’s precisely why I made this course!

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