IELTS Success Online – IELTS Writing Task 2


Reasons to study this course

1. An expertly designed IELTS course from a former IELTS examiner and British Council Exams Trainer.

“After scoring band 6.5 in writing 5 times in a row, I finally took this course and ended up with 7.5” – Laura from Russia

2. This course will teach you what not to do in the exam based on my years of examining experience.

“I stopped copying sentences and high scoring essays. I instantly went from Band 6 to Band 7 in writing.” = Susan from China

3. Incredible testimonials, with some students going from Band 6.0 to Band 7.0/7.5 after just a few classes.

“This IELTS course goes into much more detail than the others I have tried and the trainer is an expert.” – Jessica from China

4. A teacher with thousands of hours of 1-to-1 IELTS tuition and an excellent reputation.

“I learnt so much! I jumped from 6.5 to 7.5 in writing in only one month with this course.” – Wong from China

5. Nothing to lose with Udemy’s simple 30-day money-back guarantee.

Join 1000s of students from 55+ different countries!

6. All lectures are fully downloadable for access anywhere, any time.

Prepare for the IELTS writing in just a few hours! Don’t do endless courses, just focus on the most important information you need to know.

7. Receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the whole course.

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